
point Applicant: The ”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iași, Romania

The "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" (UASVM) University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi is an institution specialiUASVM, Iasized in agronomy and veterinary medicine higher education, bearing a tradition of more than 100 years, with national and European spreading. Its mission is to train specialists in agricultural sciences, engineering and management, food industry, environment, biology and veterinary medicine.
The academic offer reunites accredited faculties, studies at bachelor, master and doctorate degree levels with professional impact in Romania or abroad, quality in education, performance in research, European mobilities, successful careers, modern facilities and conditions for studying. UASVM Iaşi offers multiple bachelor specializations within its 4 faculties:

- Faculty of Agriculture: Agriculture, Agriculture in mountainous areas, Economics engineering applied in agriculture, Food processing technology, Biology;
- Faculty of Horticulture: Horticulture, Landscape design, Environment engineering;
- Faculty of Animal Science: Animal husbandry, Fishery and aquaculture, Engineering and management in public alimentation and agri-tourism, Food control and expertise;
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Veterinary medicine.

Agronomical Research Centre (Plant-soil analysis laboratory; Laboratory of expertise, certification and control for genetically modified organisms; Soil physics laboratory; Agriculture mechanisation and food industry laboratory); Horticultural Research Centre (Oenology laboratory; Pomiculture laboratory); Animal Sciences Research Centre (Laboratory of feed and feedstuffs quality control; Laboratory of processing animal originated food); Medical-Veterinary Research Centre: Food safety laboratory; Microbiology and mycotoxicology laboratory; Virusology laboratory. Research fields and topics are diversified pluridisciplinarly: vegetal genetics and physiology; design of lines, varieties and hybrids with high yield and quality, resistant against diseases, pests, falling and unfavorable natural factors; complex valorization of non pollutant natural substances from the aromatic, medicinal and tinctorial flora; improve of pastures yield and quality; modernization of cultivation technologies in horticultural species; protection, preservation and management of natural resources; production and processing of horticultural products; animal nutrition and feeding; genetic assessment of productive potential in animals; improvement of production issued from economically relevant animal species; fundamental research on veterinary and comparative medicine; animal pathology; hygiene of animal originated food and public health protection.
UASVM Iaşi is associated member of the AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), active member of the EUA (European University Association), of the CASEE (Association for European Life Science Universities), of the EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education), of RIFEF (Réseau International Francophone des Etablissements de Formation de Formateurs). UASVM Iaşi develops relationships of bilateral cooperation with over 60 universities and higher education, research and production institutions from Europe, Africa, U.S.A. and across the world, basing on conventions and priority objectives of know-how sharing and exchange in management, educational and research fields, through staff, researchers and students mobility.
Implementing team from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iași:
point  Managerial team:
Assoc. prof. Vasile MACIUC, PhD – General manager of the project
Prof. Vasile VÎNTU, PhD - Assistant manager in charge with cross border partners relationship
Eng. Adrian Doru NEAGU - Assistant manager
Prof. Benone PĂSĂRIN, PhD – Technical and scientific responsible
Ec. Liliana BIŢIC, PhD – Financial responsible
Ec. Elena Evelina PAVEL - Financial responsible
Eng. Romeu LUPU – Procurements responsible
Lecturer Corneliu LEONTE, PhD – Responsible with target group activities logistics
Lecturer Răzvan RADU-RUSU, PhD – Promotion, publicity and mass-media relationship responsible
point  Technical experts team:
Prof. Vasile UJICĂ, PhD – Cross border study responsible
Prof. Paul Corneliu BOIŞTEANU, PhD – Expert in Meat quality inspection
Prof. Ioan GÎLCĂ, PhD - Expert in Cattle husbandry technologies
Eng. Aida ALBU, PhD – Expert in Milk quality inspection
Eng. Eugen POPESCU, PhD - Expert in Cattle genetics and breeding
Assist. prof. Cristina RADU-RUSU, PhD – Animal science expert, software designer
Eng. Dragoș CREȚU – Information technology specialist, software programmer

point Partner 1 Cattle Breeders’ Association of Romania – Iaşi Branch

AP JasiCattle Breeders’ Association is a pro familial entity established through the full consent of the private breeders and of other organizations with mixed or private capital, focused on the rearing, exploitation and breeding of cattle herds, to improve their production potential. The association acts independently, with no subordinated relations with other institutions of the field. It collaborates on the principle of full equality and mutual advantage with the County Agricultural Offices, with the Ministry of Agriculture, with the Offices for Genetic Improvement and Reproduction in Zootechny (OARZ), with the National Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, with the Semtest companies, with elite farms, with higher education and research institution, as well as with similar national and international associations.
In 1991, at Iasi, 87 of the best cattle farmers in Iasi County, reunited with professionals from the Office Genetic Improvement and Reproduction in Zootechny , from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi, Agricultural Office have established the „Cattle breeders’ Association Iasi”.
Today, the General Cattle Breeders’ Association of Romania, Iasi branch, comprises more than 1750 members, farmers with various sizes exploitations, between 1 and 780 cows.
    Cattle Breeders’ Associations acts in accordance with the decisions adopted by its members, related to cattle farming and breeding.
Association goal and objectives:

- professional and qualified support of the association members to increase their herds and to improve their genetic potential;
- promotion of modern rearing and exploitation technologies, in accordance to the ownership category, to investment size in the farm, of production transforming into food products;
- providing of technical expertise when reproducers are bought, establishing of the appropriate reproduction system and the quality of the biological material, in order to achieve genetic progress for the new generation;
- assurance of the artificial insemination activity, using frozen sperm from tested sires, improvers for milk and meat production, through own operators or through other qualified collaborators;
- organizing and running of the milk production official control in the member farms;
- representation of the association members interests in third party relations, related to products marketing or juridical issues;
- keeping the records of the animals from the Breed Genealogic Book;
- organizing of pure breed animals fairs and exhibitions, in order to involve the best farmers and their best animals;
- organizing exchanges, know-how dissemination and specialty trainings;
- market prospection and informing of farmers on demand/offer dynamics, on prices evolution, on certain fairs, selling exhibitions and auctions;
- collaboration with the town halls representatives, in order to promote artificial insemination activities in their settlements, in order to improve pastures and hay meadows.

    The association supports the farmers in writing documentations for granting subsidies and acquisition of farm equipment. The Cattle Breeders’ Association of Iaşi took over the artificial insemination activity within the region, coordinating 85 specialized operators. The Cattle Breeders’ Association of Iasi, along with the professionals from OARZ Iaşi monitored the milk quota allocation for 31500 farmers.
Implementing team from the Cattle Breeders’ Association in Iași:
Eng. Gheorghe HRISCU – Project responsible in Partner 1 team
Assist. prof. Cătălin NISTOR, PhD – Cross border study responsible and target group relationship

 point Partner 2 – Agrarian State University of Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

Mold1The Agrarian State University of Moldova (ASUM) is buit on 80 years of history. It was established at April 9, 1933, when His Majesty, King Carol II issued the Law related to the transformation of the Agricultural Science Section of the Iaşi University in the Agricultural Sciences Faculty, with headquarters in Chişinău. ASU Moldova
Through the Decree of October 4, 2013, His Excellency, Mr. Nicolae Timofte, President of the Moldova Republic, granted to ASUM the „Order of the Republic”, certifying thus the distinguished merits of the university on the development of higher education, on the training of high qualified specialists.
Throughout the 80 years passed from its establishment, ASUM brought its contribution to improve the national economy, society, the political and cultural environments of the country. ASUM trained in its faculties more than 50 thousand’s professionals, from which 1000 are spread across 67 countries and had remarkable results in production, research and development.
Meanwhile, ASUM affirmed on national and worldwide level through a great core of scientists. Among the results of the scientific researches there could be enumerated new vegetal varieties and hybrids, new breeds of animals, modern technologies, equipment, machineries, pharmaceutical products.
ASUM is today recognized nationally or abroad due to the prodigious academic staff, to the scientific results and to the highly qualified specialists.
Nowadays, ASUM comprises more than 6000 students, including master and PhD students, trained through more than 30 professional specialties and 27 scientific branches. Thus, it has a precious intellectual treasure, as well as a relevant infrastructure, designed for teaching, research and social needs of staff and students.
ASUM is the first university in Moldova Republic admitted within the European Universities Associatuions, is associated member of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and carries on collaboration partnership with universities and research institutes from all over the world, basing on more than 50 international cooperation agreements.
The Animal Husbandry Faculty was established in 1940, basing on the Department of General and Special Zootechny, which belonged, at that time, to the Chişinău Faculty of Agronomy. Since 2001, it was named as the Faculty of Zootechny and Biotechnologies.
The Faculty trains specialists for the agro-zootechnic field, feed processing, food processing and marketing companies, for animal reproduction and selection centers as well as for any other companies involved in animal husbandry field.
Implementing team from the Agrarian State University of Moldova, Kishinev:
Assoc. prof. Vasile VRÂNCEAN, PhD – Project responsible in Republic of Moldova
Acad. Prof. hab. Serghei CHILIMAR PhD - Project responsible in Republic of Moldova
Prof. Vasile LUPAN, PhD – Assistant manager
Ec. Ludmila FRIMU – Financial responsible
Lecturer Prof. Călin VRÂNCEAN, PhD – Procurements responsible
Assoc. prof. Ana CHIȚANU, PhD – Promotion, publicity and mass-media relationship responsible
Ec. Cornel COȘER – Cross border study responsible and software implementation


point Partner 3Agrarian State University of Odessa, Ukraine

odessa1The Odessa state agrarian university is a higher educational institution of the supreme fourth level of accreditation. It is main educational, methodical and science center of preparation of highly skilled experts for the agrarian eOSAU Ukrainenterprises of southwest region of Ukraine. Created by the order of the Cabinet of Ukraine in 2001 on the basis of the Odessa state agricultural institute it begins the history since 1918. Educational institution creation has been caused by climatic, scientific and social factors. Huge steppes which are characterized by an arid climate, specific soils, features of  agricultural plants  and their cultivars, breeds of animals.
Now the university at 6 faculties prepare experts in "Agronomics", "Veterinary medicine", "Plants protection", "Land management", "The technology of production, processing and marketing of animal products", "Management of the organizations", "Agriculture mechanization", "The account and audit", "The Horticulture and viticulture" on educational qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master. Educational process is carried out by 25 departments at which 269 scientific-pedagogical collaborators work. Of which them - 33 doctors of sciences, professors and 133 - candidates of science, senior lecturers.
At all faculties, except veterinary medicine, there is a distance learning system. Some students further their study at the faculty of postgraduate education and thus receive a second trade and enhance their knowledge. Now at university studies more than 4 thousand students. Odesa State Agrarian University constantly integrates itself into the international system of education and science. Today the youth from eleven countries of the world study at OSAU. Our students have practice in England, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the USA
The integral compounding preparation of experts at university there is a scientific work of research of actual problems of agrarian production.
The basic directions of research work at university is:
- An implementation and improvements of organizational and economic bases of development of market attitudes in agrarian and industrial complex;
- Development of nature protection production technologies of non-polluting products of plant growing and animal husbandry;
- Breeding of new cultivars and hybrids of crops, development of their seed-growing and systems of protection against diseases and pests;
- Breeding of new breeds and improvement of breeding work in animal husbandry;
- Improvement of systems of agriculture of crops.
With 1971 on 2010 employees the university is received 132 patents and copyright certificates.
The Material base of university, personnel, educational and methodical supports of preparation of experts create conditions for reception of the higher agrarian education, training in postgraduate study, preparations for protection candidate and theses for a doctor's degree. The university confidently looks ahead.
Implementing team from the Agrarian State University of Odessa, Ukraine:
Prof. dr. Volodymyr GERASYMENKO, PhD - Project responsible in Ukraine
Prof. Sergii KORLIUK, PhD – Assistant manager
Ec. Pavel IVANENKO – Financial responsible
Ing. Vladimir ROZUMNYI – Procurements responsible
Prof. Lydmyla TARASENKO, PhD – Promotion, publicity and mass-media relationship responsible
Assoc. prof. Henadii KOTETS, PhD – Cross border study responsible and software implementation

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi,  Romania  &  the State Agricultural University of Odessa,  Ukraine  and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of
the Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 management structures.

The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 is financed by the European Union through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument and co-financed by the participating countries in the programme. The European Union is made up of 28 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.

The European Commission is the EU’s executive body.